Spinal Energetics

Melissa Donia



14 Mill Street,
Orangeville, ON
L9W 2M3



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What is Spinal Energetics?
Spinal Energetics is a growing healing modality developed by Chiropractor Dr. Sarah Jane Perri. It combines Eastern and Western philosophy and has drawn influence from several diverse modalities including Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Craniosacral Therapy, Trauma Release, Polyvagal Theory, Alpha Alignment and Reiki.

Through light, intentional and powerful touch - or in some instances, the absence of touch – an organic flow of movement and sound is stimulated. As this energy unfolds, deep-seated tension patterns, resistance and emotions stored within the body gradually unwind themselves. I (the Practitioner) work with your breathe, spine, nervous system and energetic field to access and invite your body’s innate intelligence to begin to unwind long-standing tension patterns.

The movement (physical, sound, breathe changes, emotions) that is initiated is driven by an individual’s intrinsic energy, intuition and instincts. This work is not “performed” on the individual, rather it is a dynamic collaboration of Practitioner knowledge/skill and client wisdom/agency. The opportunity for improved self-awareness, healing and reconnection to your mind & body gradually unfolds creating balance within, as you are fully supported in a safe space.
Spinal Energetics is a gateway to move past limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you and allows you to let go of past experiences still being held within the body (spine, muscles, fascia, cells).

Note: Spinal Energetics is a powerful modality and requires a commitment to oneself (and the work) to receive the full benefits it can have in your life. One session alone will not provide the full benefit one can experience with this work. *Remember it has taken a lifetime to store tension, emotions, patterns in the body so it is reasonable to assume that unwinding these patterns and creating safety in the body will take some consistency and self-commitment* Please consider this when embarking on the path to exploring this modality.

Benefits of Spinal Energetics

  • improve nervous system regulation
  • decrease and/or improve long standing physical tension within the body and spine
  • trengthen mind/body connection
  • mprove breathing pattern 
  • release supressed emotions stored in the body
  • improve self-awareness
  • reduce stress due to mental chatter/ improve mental clarity/calm
  • improve sleep quality 
  • and more….

Note: This work may not be suitable for all individuals please refer to the intake forms for a full list of contraindications.

Due to the nature of this work, there are certain contraindications (conditions) that make experiencing Spinal Energetics not suitable or recommended. Please carefully read the list below.

  • Pregnancy & up to 6 months postpartum
  • Cardiovascular conditions/History of heart disease
  • Pacemaker
  • Detached retina
  • Diagnosed Severe PTSD
  • Severe mental health conditions (Bipolar, Schizophrenia, psychosis)
  • Currently taking medication that alter brain chemistry (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic)
  • Epilepsy
  • History of seizures
  • Severe Asthma
  • Panic attacks 
  • History or diagnosis of aneurysms
  • Recent surgeries, fractures, physical injuries 
  • Any other medical, psychiatric, or physical condition that would impair or affect your ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release

*Spinal Energetics can not be experienced if the individual is under the influence of and illicit drugs/substances, alcohol or plant medicine. It is also advised to not consume caffeine within a 2hr window of receiving a session as it can affect one’s nervous system.
*If you have any of the above conditions, please let me know before scheduling the session to see if I can work with you safely and/or discuss alternative modalities/treatment that may be more appropriate. *